Tokyo Majin Gakuen Denki (東京魔人學園伝奇) is a franchise of Japanese video games, manga, and anime. The name Tokyo Majin Gakuen translates to "Tokyo Wizard Academy". Although there is a 2007 anime series which was released internationally, none of the original video games were ever released outside of Japan.
The franchise began June 16, 1998 with the release of the PlayStation game Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuuchou. It proved to be the first in the Gakuen Denki game series in Japan. The established universe, story, comics, and general term are shared under joint ownership, with managing creator Shuuhou Imai (今井秋芳) at the helm. Sales agency and production is handled by Asmik Ace Entertainment and Shout! Design Works. Majin Gakuen - Fuju Houroku.jpg
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